A teacher of God is anyone who chooses to be one. It does not matter who the teacher was before he heard the Call. He has become a savior by his answering. He has seen someone else as himself. He has therefore found his own salvation and the salvation of the world. In his rebirth is the world reborn. Each teaching-learning situation is maximal in the sense that each person involved will learn the most that he can from the other person at that time. Yet all who meet will someday meet again, for it is the destiny of all relationships to become holy. - A Course in Miracles
Now let me explain what the meaning of this is.....
Each person you interact with and everything that happens to you is a mirror, therefore everybody can be your best teacher! But the key is to recognize that and to learn from the lessons that each person and each experience hold for you. For example when you judge someone and you get upset because they behave a certain way....let's say they are lazy and can never take care of themselves. The minute you judge them, you are actually judging yourself. Then take a look at your life and observe your judgments. Why do you feel the need to judge the person for being lazy, probably because you have an issue with that in your own life. Most of the time that is the case.....or you have some sort of karmic issue with the "lazy" person. Either way, the key is to meditate on this and to see and observe what comes up, and just by recognizing the issue and by aknowledging it, it will either go away or you will be able to take action, as you have recognized the problem.
Let me tell you a personal story which happened to me a few months ago. I was interested in this person and I wanted to be with him. But he was unavailable. I pursued this person for months hoping that he would come around one day and say that he wanted to be with me. But that never happened. Of course I started wondering what meaning this had for me and how it was reflecting a part of me. But I simply couldn't work it out. Eventually he told me that he was still in love with his exgirlfriend, and only then it dawned on me, that this was a mirror reflection of my past relationships. I finally realised that I still had emotional ties with my ex boyfriends. It was very subtle. In my conscious mind I was very clear about cutting connections with my ex boyfriends, as I was the one who broke it off. But subconsciously I was still grieving over the loss of the relationship and all the dreams I had for a future together etc. It never occured to me that there were still ties there, as I didn't want to be with any of my ex boyfriends on a conscious level. But thanks to the mirror reflection I was able to aknowledge the remaining bond and the issues around it and free myself from the grief, the loss and the broken dreams I was still holding on to. I realised that the person I was interested in only came into my life to show me this and to help me move on in my life and to let go of the ties that were holding me back from being with someone who is actually compatible.
...and the meaning that each relationship becomes holy has to do with peace, balance and love...even self love, as the other person is your reflection. What you give to the other person, you give to yourself. Also, by the time you ascend you will probably have balanced most of your karma, meaning that there is peace within all your relationships. No grief, no guilt, no regrets, just pure love. Holy relationships.
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