This is one of the latest codes that I drew. It has to do with the activation of my keepership, something that I'm still exploring. I believe my keepership has to do with being the keeper of the gates, gates through which people travel.
Wednesday, 30 April 2008
Thursday, 17 April 2008
The search for love
Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all of the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. It is not necessary to seek for what is true but it is necessary to seek for what is false. Every illusion is one of fear, whatever form it takes. And the attempt to escape from one illusion into another must fail. If you seek love outside yourself you can be certain that you perceive hatred within, and are afraid of it. Yet peace will never come from the illusion of love, but only from its reality. - A Course in Miracles
Thursday, 10 April 2008
I looooooove this one!
Do you think the most stunning, celebrated, and adept dancer in the entire world could become so by only ever dancing to the most brilliant, illuminating, and clever music in the world?
Or would they freak, hip-hop, and tango to every riff, beat, and la-bamba within earshot?
Yeah, the latter, even early on when no one paid them any attention and their little steps seemed so paltry compared to the glamorous waltz that moved in their heart.
Or would they freak, hip-hop, and tango to every riff, beat, and la-bamba within earshot?
Yeah, the latter, even early on when no one paid them any attention and their little steps seemed so paltry compared to the glamorous waltz that moved in their heart.
Shall we dance?
I got this message the other day and thought it was very appropriate for what I'm going through right now. Very true, very true.....
Is it so important that those in your life fully appreciate how much you mean to them? Or can you get along just fine knowing it for yourself? Actually you may even send them right over the edge if you can truly accept their meager offerings.
Thursday, 3 April 2008
The invitation by Oriah Mountain Dreamer
It doesn't interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for, and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart's longing.
It doesn't interest me how old you are. I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for love, for your dream, for the adventure of being alive.
It doesn't interest me what planets are squaring your moon. I want to know if you have touched the center of your own sorrow, if you have been opened by life's betrayals or have become shriveled and closed from fear of further pain!I want to know if you can sit with pain, mine or your own, without moving to hide it or fade it, or fix it.
I want to know if you can be with joy, mine or your own, if you can dance with wildness and let the ecstasy fill you to the tips of your fingers and toes without cautioning us to be careful, to be realistic, to remember the limitations of being human.
It doesn't interest me if the story you are telling me is true. I want to know if you can disappoint another to be true to yourself; if you can bear the accusation of betrayal and not betray your own soul; if you can be faithlessand therefore trustworthy.
I want to know if you can see beauty even when it's not pretty, every day,and if you can source your own life from its presence.
I want to know if you can live with failure, yours and mine, and still stand on the edge of the lake and shout to the silver of the full moon, “Yes!”
It doesn't interest me to know where you live or how much money you have. I want to know if you can get up, after the night of grief and despair, weary and bruised to the bone, and do what needs to be done to feed the children.
It doesn't interest me who you know or how you came to be here. I want to know if you will stand in the center of the fire with me and not shrink back.
It doesn't interest me where or what or with whom you have studied. I want to know what sustains you, from the inside, when all else falls away.
I want to know if you can be alone with yourself and if you truly like the company you keep in the empty moments.
Monday, 17 March 2008
Divine Happenings
Wednesday, 27 February 2008
Creating your own reality
True brilliance is not a function of understanding one's view of the world and finding order, logic, and spirituality in it. True brilliance is understanding that your view of order, logic, and spirituality is what created your world. And therefore being forever capable of changing everything. - TUT
Tuesday, 26 February 2008
Finding your teacher
Monday, 25 February 2008
The teacher and the student
I did an earlier post on Teachers of God where I posted a passage from A Course in Miracles. Please see below.
A teacher of God is anyone who chooses to be one. It does not matter who the teacher was before he heard the Call. He has become a savior by his answering. He has seen someone else as himself. He has therefore found his own salvation and the salvation of the world. In his rebirth is the world reborn. Each teaching-learning situation is maximal in the sense that each person involved will learn the most that he can from the other person at that time. Yet all who meet will someday meet again, for it is the destiny of all relationships to become holy. - A Course in Miracles
Now let me explain what the meaning of this is.....
Each person you interact with and everything that happens to you is a mirror, therefore everybody can be your best teacher! But the key is to recognize that and to learn from the lessons that each person and each experience hold for you. For example when you judge someone and you get upset because they behave a certain way....let's say they are lazy and can never take care of themselves. The minute you judge them, you are actually judging yourself. Then take a look at your life and observe your judgments. Why do you feel the need to judge the person for being lazy, probably because you have an issue with that in your own life. Most of the time that is the case.....or you have some sort of karmic issue with the "lazy" person. Either way, the key is to meditate on this and to see and observe what comes up, and just by recognizing the issue and by aknowledging it, it will either go away or you will be able to take action, as you have recognized the problem.
Let me tell you a personal story which happened to me a few months ago. I was interested in this person and I wanted to be with him. But he was unavailable. I pursued this person for months hoping that he would come around one day and say that he wanted to be with me. But that never happened. Of course I started wondering what meaning this had for me and how it was reflecting a part of me. But I simply couldn't work it out. Eventually he told me that he was still in love with his exgirlfriend, and only then it dawned on me, that this was a mirror reflection of my past relationships. I finally realised that I still had emotional ties with my ex boyfriends. It was very subtle. In my conscious mind I was very clear about cutting connections with my ex boyfriends, as I was the one who broke it off. But subconsciously I was still grieving over the loss of the relationship and all the dreams I had for a future together etc. It never occured to me that there were still ties there, as I didn't want to be with any of my ex boyfriends on a conscious level. But thanks to the mirror reflection I was able to aknowledge the remaining bond and the issues around it and free myself from the grief, the loss and the broken dreams I was still holding on to. I realised that the person I was interested in only came into my life to show me this and to help me move on in my life and to let go of the ties that were holding me back from being with someone who is actually compatible.
...and the meaning that each relationship becomes holy has to do with peace, balance and love...even self love, as the other person is your reflection. What you give to the other person, you give to yourself. Also, by the time you ascend you will probably have balanced most of your karma, meaning that there is peace within all your relationships. No grief, no guilt, no regrets, just pure love. Holy relationships.
A teacher of God is anyone who chooses to be one. It does not matter who the teacher was before he heard the Call. He has become a savior by his answering. He has seen someone else as himself. He has therefore found his own salvation and the salvation of the world. In his rebirth is the world reborn. Each teaching-learning situation is maximal in the sense that each person involved will learn the most that he can from the other person at that time. Yet all who meet will someday meet again, for it is the destiny of all relationships to become holy. - A Course in Miracles
Now let me explain what the meaning of this is.....
Each person you interact with and everything that happens to you is a mirror, therefore everybody can be your best teacher! But the key is to recognize that and to learn from the lessons that each person and each experience hold for you. For example when you judge someone and you get upset because they behave a certain way....let's say they are lazy and can never take care of themselves. The minute you judge them, you are actually judging yourself. Then take a look at your life and observe your judgments. Why do you feel the need to judge the person for being lazy, probably because you have an issue with that in your own life. Most of the time that is the case.....or you have some sort of karmic issue with the "lazy" person. Either way, the key is to meditate on this and to see and observe what comes up, and just by recognizing the issue and by aknowledging it, it will either go away or you will be able to take action, as you have recognized the problem.
Let me tell you a personal story which happened to me a few months ago. I was interested in this person and I wanted to be with him. But he was unavailable. I pursued this person for months hoping that he would come around one day and say that he wanted to be with me. But that never happened. Of course I started wondering what meaning this had for me and how it was reflecting a part of me. But I simply couldn't work it out. Eventually he told me that he was still in love with his exgirlfriend, and only then it dawned on me, that this was a mirror reflection of my past relationships. I finally realised that I still had emotional ties with my ex boyfriends. It was very subtle. In my conscious mind I was very clear about cutting connections with my ex boyfriends, as I was the one who broke it off. But subconsciously I was still grieving over the loss of the relationship and all the dreams I had for a future together etc. It never occured to me that there were still ties there, as I didn't want to be with any of my ex boyfriends on a conscious level. But thanks to the mirror reflection I was able to aknowledge the remaining bond and the issues around it and free myself from the grief, the loss and the broken dreams I was still holding on to. I realised that the person I was interested in only came into my life to show me this and to help me move on in my life and to let go of the ties that were holding me back from being with someone who is actually compatible.
...and the meaning that each relationship becomes holy has to do with peace, balance and love...even self love, as the other person is your reflection. What you give to the other person, you give to yourself. Also, by the time you ascend you will probably have balanced most of your karma, meaning that there is peace within all your relationships. No grief, no guilt, no regrets, just pure love. Holy relationships.
Violet Flame Invocations
From Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
This is a critical time in the evolution of the planet, and it is imperative for each of us to begin reaching our highest potential. We must learn how to transmute the distorted thoughts, words, actions and feelings we created in the past. These human miscreations are now returning to us through our everyday life experiences. As these misqualified energies surface, they often wreak havoc in our lives and cause us much pain and suffering. This negative energy returns, not to plague us or punish us, but rather, it returns to give us the opportunity to transmute it back into its original perfection. In other words, it returns to be Loved free.
The Violet Flame is comprised of the Sapphire Blue Ray of our Father God's Divine Will, Power and Authority, and the Crystalline Pink Ray of our Mother God's Transfiguring Divine Love, Adoration and Reverence for Life. The Violet Flame reflects the perfect balance of our Father-Mother God.
This aspect of the Sacred Fire bathes the Earth with the Divine Qualities of Limitless Transmutation, Spiritual Freedom, Mercy, Compassion, Forgiveness, Physical Perfection, Liberty, Justice, Victory, Opportunity, Invocation, Divine Ceremony and Divine Technology.
The Violet Flame is a tool more powerful than our finite minds can conceive. When used consistently, it will transmute into Light every electron of precious life energy we have ever misqualified at any time, in any existence, both known and unknown.The Violet Flame works as an atomic accelerator. It raises the frequency of all discordant energy into vibrations of healing and harmony. When we invoke the Violet Flame and empower it with feelings of Divine Forgiveness for our own mistakes and those of others, it works miracles. The floodgates of Heaven open in response to our heart's call, which allows the Universal Law of Forgiveness to pour into the Heart Flames of the Children of God.
The patterns of imperfection that have been miscreated by our fragmented, fear-based human egos since the fall aeons ago are being pushed to the surface to be healed. This is occurring at an accelerated pace in preparation for the activity of Light that will take place in August this year.
During this unprecedented event, a critical mass of Divine Love will be reached, and the paralyzing grip of Humanity's human egos will be burst asunder. This will be accomplished by each soul's I AM Presence. Archangel Michael and his Legions of Protection will then encapsulate our human egos in the RING PASS NOT OF GOD'S FIRST CAUSE OF PERFECTION. These wayward aspects of our human personality will then be cradled in the Heart Flame of our Mighty I AM Presence until they surrender to the Light of God and are Loved eternally free.
We do not have to fully comprehend every facet of the Violet Flame in order for us to be powerful Instruments of God and to effectively respond to this heartfelt request of the Company of Heaven. All we have to do is ask our I AM Presence to take command and invoke the wondrous Gift of the Violet Flame from the Heart of All That Is. The following invocations have been given to us by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. If they resonate in your Heart-of-Hearts, please empower them daily with your thoughts, words, actions and feelings, as we prepare the way step by step for the miraculous transformation of our human egos.
Through the Beloved Presence of God, I AM, now blazing in my heart, I invoke ALL of the Legions of Light throughout infinity who are associated with God's Violet Flame of Limitless Transmutation.
Blessed Ones, blaze the full momentum of the Sacred Violet Fire in, through and around every electron of precious Life energy I have ever misqualified in any time frame or dimension both known and unknown.Transmute these patterns of imperfection cause, core, effect, record and memory into God's Harmony and Balance.
Beloved I AM, I invoke your Divine Intervention to blaze the Violet Flame through every thought, word, action or feeling I have ever expressed that reflects anything less than the Immaculate Concept of my full Divine Potential.
Look into my life and see what yet remains to be balanced by me to any person, place, condition or thing I may have wronged at any time, in any way, for any reason whatsoever.
Reach your great loving hands of Light into all of the good energy I have released throughout my Earthly sojourn, and draw forth a thousand times as much perfection as I have ever done wrong.
Fashion from this substance of perfection a Gift of Love, whatever is necessary to balance every debt I have created which still remains unpaid to any part of Life.
Beloved I AM, I ask you to forgive every person, place, condition or thing which may have wronged me in any way, and balance all debts owed to me by Life everywhere.
I accept this done through the Power of God I AM. And so it is.
[The following Violet Flame mantra can be repeated either aloud or in the silence of our hearts as we go about the business of our daily lives.]
Transmute, transmute by Violet Fireall causes and cores not of God's desire.
I AM a Being of cause alone; that cause is Love, the Sacred Tone.
I AM a force of the Violet Fire more powerful than any human miscreation.I breathe the Violet Flame of Limitless Transmutation into my Heart Center, and I breathe it out through my Heart Chakra into the core of every person, place, condition or thing in my life, conscious or unconscious, past or present, through obvious choice or through karmic liability.
As this Sacred Fire floods the Earth, the Violet Flame transmutes all energy less than God's Perfection back into Light. The Violet Fire is Loving free every point of my Universe.
I AM Free! I AM Free! I AM Eternally Free! And so it is.
Beloved I AM Presence, flood my Being and every single etheric record since the beginning of time with the Joyful experience of Divine Forgiveness. In Forgiving, I let go of all the effects of misused energy impinging on my life and the lives of all Humanity. I let go of the ignorance, confusion and pain of this world. I now know I have come to Love Life FREE, and so I shall.
This is the Heart Center of my existence, the Joy of Forgiving Life as it enters my awareness. From this moment forth, I AM setting all Life free into a higher vibration with the Gift of Forgiveness that my Father-Mother God have given so freely into my keeping.I AM a Force of the Violet Flame of Forgiveness flooding this sweet Earth!
I AM the Joy of Forgiveness.
I AM the Joy of Forgiveness.
I AM the Joy of Forgiveness.
In the name and by the power and authority of the Presence of God, I AM, I invoke the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth to blaze the Violet Fire with the power and might of a thousand Suns in, through and around every electron that makes up the atoms of Humanity's physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies. Hold the Violet Flame sustained, and double it each hour until these Earthly vehicles are fully assimilated into the perfection of our Solar Light Bodies.
Expand, expand and intensify daily the mightiest action of the Violet Fire in, through and around all nations, races, cultures, creeds and religions in every country of the world. Blaze the Violet Flame through every person's home, place of occupation and overall environment until the perfection of the Divine Plan manifests for all Life.
Expand, expand and intensify daily the mightiest action of the Violet Fire in, through and around the cause and core of the creative centers of all doubt and fear in the Earth, on the Earth and in the atmosphere surrounding the Earth. Transform these creative centers into expressions of God Confidence, Trust, Hope and Inner Knowing.
Expand and expand the Violet Fire of Purification and Transmutation in, through and around the landed surface, the waters and the peoples of every country, province, state, city, town and hamlet in the world. Establish a mighty focus of the Violet Fire in the Etheric Realms over each of these locations and intensify this purifying activity of Light daily and hourly with every breath I take.
Now in the Name, Love, Wisdom, Power and Authority of the Beloved, Victorious Presence of God, I AM, I speak directly to the Heart of the Violet Flame. Sacred Fire, enfold me in the purifying, forgiving, healing substance of your Light which causes the consciousness and feeling of Divine Love and Freedom to flow through me constantly to bless all Life.Let this purifying essence saturate the atmosphere wherever I live, move, breathe and have my Being, so that its miracle-working presence will give tangible proof of your reality to all Humanity.
Beloved Violet Flame, direct Legions of your Angels of the Violet Fire to blaze the Flame of Forgiveness and Freedom into the heart of every evolving soul, so that we will all learn to use our Light to the fullest in our service to Life and the cause of Freedom on Earth.
Beloved, Victorious Violet Fire of Freedom's Love, I Love you. I do now most earnestly and sincerely call you into dynamic action. Perpetually blaze your Transmuting Flame into the Beings and worlds of every man, woman and child on Earth. Enable each one to know that your healing presence will always bring happiness and release from anything that is not of the Light. Enfold every person in the power of your Light and transmute all imperfection in their lives in Divine Order through Divine Love.
The Victorious Violet Fire of Freedom's Love NOW...
Heals our bodies,Harmonizes and stabilizes our feelings, Illumines our consciousness, and sets us free, raising us into full mastery over all human appearances, desires and feelings, now and forever sustained. And so it is.
Sunday, 3 February 2008
In the beginning stage the master’s attention is drawn to the up-and-coming disciple who has begun to build his connection (antakarana) to his soul. The master then contacts the aspirant through a more advanced student on the physical plane.
The second stage of discipleship is when a higher disciple guides the aspirant from the soul plane, which is different from the first stage when the aspirant was guided by a disciple on the physical plane. During this stage the disciple is concerned with overcoming glamour and controlling his emotions. The advanced disciple is subject to glamour but at the same time is aware of its illusionary nature, and the aspirant becomes aware of glamour as something that one must free oneself and the world from.
The aspirants of this stage are the future world servers, and are of real importance to the great work that needs to be done. The “young” disciple is then taught about the members of the spiritual hierarchy, so he will know who to turn to and learn from and who he can be of service to. At this stage the “young” disciple is working off his own karma as intelligently as possible and begins to comprehend something about planetary karma.
Initiated disciples who are above accepted disciples have mainly one goal, which is to manifest the divine plan on the earth plane. Accepted disciples are in the process of learning this and to overcome personality reactions. In this stage the master finally contacts the disciple, whereas the disciple should make an effort to be “impersonal” (stepping out of one’s personality) with him, as well as fellow disciples and people in general. Impersonality is seen as the first step towards achievement of spiritual love and understanding.
At this point the master also awaits an effort from the disciple to work on a larger and more generous scale for the entire world. The disciple can choose what type of work, but hopefully it is in line with the master’s intentions and visions. The master’s teachings are about detachment from the material world to prepare for great expansion in consciousness. The master has assumed responsibility for preparing the disciple in his care for initiation, and he observes the disciple’s vibration and indicates where he needs to change his attitude and expression. If the disciple becomes ego sensitive from the feedback, then it is a sign that the disciple is still steeped in personality reactions, which must be overcome.
The next stage is when the disciple has shown wisdom in his work and appreciation of his master’s responsibilities, and the disciple is taught how to attract the master’s attention in emergency situations. This allows the disciple to draw on the master’s strength, knowledge and advice.
The disciple has succeeded in decentralizing himself, no longer making himself the center of focus in his life, but making the service to humanity his main goal in life. At this stage the disciple has developed the ability to be impersonal no matter how his ego may be reacting, meaning that his own feelings, thoughts, likes, dislikes and desires are no longer controlling him. The disciple’s priority is for the good of the group. At this stage the disciple’s aura is becoming more and more like the master’s aura, and his consciousness continues to be trained, intensified and purified. The vibrations and auras of the disciple and master have begun to synchronize. When the initiate disciple has learned to intensify and hold his vibration, that it is identical with that of the master, then he himself has become a master. This allows the master to move on to his cosmic level of evolution.
The path of the disciple is a difficult one, as it is filled with obstacles at every step. By staying on the spiritual path and overcoming these obstacles, one realizes mastership and is a server of humanity. There is a stage on this path where the disciple may feel loneliness. This is a temporary phase. The main work of the disciple is to control the lower self and eliminate material desire, to achieve evenminded peace and joy at all times. The disciple achieves a point in consciousness where nothing can rock this inner calm because his consciousness is centred in the soul. The disciple has great patience, perseverance and endurance.
The qualities that the disciple has to overcome include selfishness, self-centeredness, material desire, personal ambition, pride, lack of integrity, separativeness, criticism, irritation, fanaticism, being too laid back, violence, suspicion and over-sensitiveness.
The qualities the disciple needs to develop are love, goodwill, forgiveness, sacrifice, responsibility, discrimination, free will, humility, simplicity, detachment, impersonality, acceptance, serenity, selflessness, courage, perseverance, sharing, giving, harmlessness, balance, stability, sense of humour, solitude, devotion, joy, esoteric sense, higher psychic development and sensitivity, ability to be silent, divine indifference and sincerity.
The three qualities needed to achieve individual and group purpose are power, detachment and non-criticalness. The disciple also learns that there is only oneness and that there is no death, distress or separation. He also comes to realize that life is just the veil that hides the splendour of divinity.
The masters are searching for aspirants and disciples who have a clear vision, uncompromising faithfulness to truth and an everlasting drive to manifest this ideal. Most of the masters are looking for an enlarged channel from the soul to the mind of the disciple, for the disciple to be utilized for the great work of redemption of mankind. The master is looking for the perfection of the antakarana (rainbow bridge).
The path of discipleship is one of synthesis, hard work, intellectual unfoldment, steady aspiration, harmlessness, spiritual orientation and the gradual opening of the third eye.
The forgetfulness of self leads to letting go of all moodiness, personality desires, resentment, grief and pettiness. This leads to a life that is totally focused on active service for humanity. It is through these people on earth that the masters pour their love, light and guidance.
The aspirants of this stage are the future world servers, and are of real importance to the great work that needs to be done. The “young” disciple is then taught about the members of the spiritual hierarchy, so he will know who to turn to and learn from and who he can be of service to. At this stage the “young” disciple is working off his own karma as intelligently as possible and begins to comprehend something about planetary karma.
Initiated disciples who are above accepted disciples have mainly one goal, which is to manifest the divine plan on the earth plane. Accepted disciples are in the process of learning this and to overcome personality reactions. In this stage the master finally contacts the disciple, whereas the disciple should make an effort to be “impersonal” (stepping out of one’s personality) with him, as well as fellow disciples and people in general. Impersonality is seen as the first step towards achievement of spiritual love and understanding.
At this point the master also awaits an effort from the disciple to work on a larger and more generous scale for the entire world. The disciple can choose what type of work, but hopefully it is in line with the master’s intentions and visions. The master’s teachings are about detachment from the material world to prepare for great expansion in consciousness. The master has assumed responsibility for preparing the disciple in his care for initiation, and he observes the disciple’s vibration and indicates where he needs to change his attitude and expression. If the disciple becomes ego sensitive from the feedback, then it is a sign that the disciple is still steeped in personality reactions, which must be overcome.
The next stage is when the disciple has shown wisdom in his work and appreciation of his master’s responsibilities, and the disciple is taught how to attract the master’s attention in emergency situations. This allows the disciple to draw on the master’s strength, knowledge and advice.
The disciple has succeeded in decentralizing himself, no longer making himself the center of focus in his life, but making the service to humanity his main goal in life. At this stage the disciple has developed the ability to be impersonal no matter how his ego may be reacting, meaning that his own feelings, thoughts, likes, dislikes and desires are no longer controlling him. The disciple’s priority is for the good of the group. At this stage the disciple’s aura is becoming more and more like the master’s aura, and his consciousness continues to be trained, intensified and purified. The vibrations and auras of the disciple and master have begun to synchronize. When the initiate disciple has learned to intensify and hold his vibration, that it is identical with that of the master, then he himself has become a master. This allows the master to move on to his cosmic level of evolution.
The path of the disciple is a difficult one, as it is filled with obstacles at every step. By staying on the spiritual path and overcoming these obstacles, one realizes mastership and is a server of humanity. There is a stage on this path where the disciple may feel loneliness. This is a temporary phase. The main work of the disciple is to control the lower self and eliminate material desire, to achieve evenminded peace and joy at all times. The disciple achieves a point in consciousness where nothing can rock this inner calm because his consciousness is centred in the soul. The disciple has great patience, perseverance and endurance.
The qualities that the disciple has to overcome include selfishness, self-centeredness, material desire, personal ambition, pride, lack of integrity, separativeness, criticism, irritation, fanaticism, being too laid back, violence, suspicion and over-sensitiveness.
The qualities the disciple needs to develop are love, goodwill, forgiveness, sacrifice, responsibility, discrimination, free will, humility, simplicity, detachment, impersonality, acceptance, serenity, selflessness, courage, perseverance, sharing, giving, harmlessness, balance, stability, sense of humour, solitude, devotion, joy, esoteric sense, higher psychic development and sensitivity, ability to be silent, divine indifference and sincerity.
The three qualities needed to achieve individual and group purpose are power, detachment and non-criticalness. The disciple also learns that there is only oneness and that there is no death, distress or separation. He also comes to realize that life is just the veil that hides the splendour of divinity.
The masters are searching for aspirants and disciples who have a clear vision, uncompromising faithfulness to truth and an everlasting drive to manifest this ideal. Most of the masters are looking for an enlarged channel from the soul to the mind of the disciple, for the disciple to be utilized for the great work of redemption of mankind. The master is looking for the perfection of the antakarana (rainbow bridge).
The path of discipleship is one of synthesis, hard work, intellectual unfoldment, steady aspiration, harmlessness, spiritual orientation and the gradual opening of the third eye.
The forgetfulness of self leads to letting go of all moodiness, personality desires, resentment, grief and pettiness. This leads to a life that is totally focused on active service for humanity. It is through these people on earth that the masters pour their love, light and guidance.
Ascended masters,
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